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Effective Tutor

In addition to a MPA (Business and Government) from Harvard University, a MBA Finance from Howard University, I hold a Maîtrise in Applied Economics from Paris Dauphine (France). I am currently the founder of a tech startup in New York City. French is my native language and after more than 5 years teaching it on behalf of Rosetta Stone, I have developed a solid step-by-step approach to teach it efficiently in complete immersion. My ability to teach Math, Statistics, Economics, Accoun...





Microsoft Excel

Managerial Accounting

Financial Accounting



Rosalyn W. from Brooklyn, NY

Aymar explain Financial accounting in a way for me to understand concentration with journal entries, salary, wage expense debits and credit accounts, assets liabilities, payables, accrued expense, t accounts income statement, balance statement of owners equity, explanation of the statement cash flow accounts which are Operation, Investment, financial pp&e property plant and equiptment. All in an hour and a half!